To enable you to work this out, you need to know what your total available funds are and then subtract the cost of moving home.
- What savings or assets do you have (not relating to your existing home)
- What do you think your house will sell for
- What do you still owe on your existing mortgage
- What will it cost to sell your house
- What fees are related to buying your new home
Once you have an idea of the categories above you can start on you r next property. What can you afford to spend per month on your new repayments – we cannot stress enough how important it is to not overstretch yourself.
Most lenders work on affordability of what they will be willing to lend to you, we will be able to provide you with illustrations based on different rates, as if rates do start to increase you need to ensure that you can still afford the monthly repayments.
Every lender is different and with so many different mortgages available it pays to get professional advice.
By calling us we will advise you what the maximum you can comfortably afford to borrow within your budget, that way you can ensure that you get the most suitable deal for yourself.